All things old. All things new. I am reminded tonight, as I visit my parents, of all the hard work my mother put into my education. She fueled my heart for creativity, and influenced a passion for art. Herself an amazing, unique artist, she surrounded me with opportunities and challenges to explore new realms of creation. We loved studying the incredible works of Van Gogh, Monet, and Renoir. Our reading sessions would last for hours as we mused over Robert Frost, Tolkien, and various history books.
I cherish every moment we shared together in those days, and whenever I feel discouraged about a project or idea, I simply remember her warm smile and relentless determination when obstacles came up in her own work. If we can greet negative feelings and crushed dreams with a little optimism, more times than not, we can make it work. Many of my ancestors on my mother's side were creative people; from artists to musicians to entrepreneurs, they all used the inherent talent God gave them.
My father descends from hard working farmers and craftsmen; rugged and resilient country folk with a tough backbone and unquenchable spirit. His hard work and relentless drive kept our home warm and safe during many a tough time.
It is with the creation of my business, Iterion Media, and this blog, that I honor their work in my life. I wasted a lot of time trying to find my place in life; my calling. However, I do not regret for a moment the path that has lead me to where I am now. A wonderful wife by my side and supporting my endeavors, I can finally say that I have turned the key in the door God always intended me to open.
There are many challenges and dark days ahead, no doubt. Days of defeat, loss, discouragement, and pain. But when I look at what God has given me to do, and I know that it's His divine calling, those days of pain will be so small and irrelivant when contrasted with the big picture. Using and investing the talent God has provided me is my sole purpose. I will not be found burying my talent in the field, and asking myself why life has no meaning. Those days are gone.
I thank God for blessing me with a wonderful companion, a home, a job, and a dream.
In the years to come, I pray you will look back on this post and smile, thinking of the shy kid from Rock Stream, who used his talent, and worked hard for the glory of God.